Dependencies, installation & importing

Chapisha is stateless, which means you can also include it in a web application.


Chapisha has a relatively short list of requirements (excl. dependencies):

  • epubcheck = “^0.4.2”

  • beautifulsoup4 = “^4.9.3”

  • pydantic = “^1.7.3”

  • pypandoc = “^1.5”

You will also need to install Pandoc and Java:

sudo apt install pandoc default-jre

It could run on lower versions, but this hasn’t been tested. If you want to work with Jupyter, then either install Jupyter only, or Anaconda.


Install with pip:

pip install chapisha

Then import:

from chapisha import CreateWork

Your next steps are to convert a .docx to an .epub CreateWork.